I’m in property management and it’s extremely draining. Im the assistant manager & have a manager that basically makes me do everything and a regional (previously manager) who literally criticizes the way my voice sounds when I answer phones (I have a raspy voice) and idk how to change that... not going to.

My manager throws papers on my desk constantly.. doesn’t help with anything besides paying bills bc that that’s only thing I don’t have access to. We were a A+ property when I started... I would consider us a B now...

I’m just venting...

I’m so fed up and need to find somewhere else to work...

Our system sucks! Always messing up people rent and guess who they get mad at - me. That’s not a good excuse for our residents & I completely understand that... FOR THE PEOPLE

My manager never wants to answer the phone or talk to people when they want to speak to her. I get the sh*t end of the stick constantly. Now everyone feels like I’m the asshole.

AND she works with her husband whom intervenes constantly.

THERE ARE PEOPLE WITH ACs out in mf TEXAS DURING THE SUMMER! and they have not been prepared for it.