Weight Loss & Heavier Periods

Hey ladies,

I had gastric sleeve surgery about 8 months ago as of the 20th of this month.

I've noticed this period and my June period were heavier than usual and last longer. I use to have Day 1 very light flow. Day 2 medium like flow. Day 3 spotting. Day 4 nothing. Now? Day 1 spotting progresses to heavish flow. Day2-3 same. Day 4 nothing. Day 5 medium flow. The same through Day 6.

My periods are lasting longer and the consistency is more loose (sorry TMI) I even vomited last night out of no where. I figured it was because I ate too much (having a smaller stomach and all) but I don't think that was it. And a bit of losse stools which I guess it also normal but this is new to me.

I'm just wondering if weight loss and heavier periods are associated at all.

I recently had a checkup and my RBC was a little high my MPV was a little high as well but everything else checked out so I'm not too concerned.

I've lost 70 lbs so far and want know if anyone else who has lost weight experienced the same thing?

Thanks y'all