Foremilk/hindmilk imbalance

Nina • Mommy to Nora Jane 💓 06.04.2020

My little babe has been having issues with gas, fussiness, colic like symptoms, etc. She is only fed breast milk by bottles. I have always had an oversupply of breast milk, and have noticed that my milk has always been a lot more watery and clear, with a pretty small amount of thick, creamy milk. I’ve read things about an imbalance between the two, and the symptoms associated with it, and I feel like this may be the issue with my little one. I am considering the switch to formula, or at least starting to supplement with formula. I’ve tried pumping longer, and still get very little hindmilk. Anyone gone through this? I just want my babe to feel better and be happy; she’s so fussy and uncomfortable all day long, it breaks my heart. I would like to give her breast milk as long as I can, but if it’s not what’s best for her at this point then I’m okay with moving to formula.