I feel like I’m drowning and failing ...

I’m depressed and I’ve mentioned it to my own close family I feel so unnoticed I’m drowning my own tears and thoughts I feel like the only person that can saved me is me I can’t I don’t even know where to begin it’s been going on for a couple of months now at night it’s the worse i think about my future and it seems to far and out of reach then I think about the present and how much of a failure I am and nobody is here nobody is by my side I feel so lonely and empty I overthink till my emotion start flaring up uncontrollably then I turn on the music and become so emotionally drained the thought of it I wasn’t here would people then listen or start caring during the day it’s like my body is in motion but I’m my mind is at a stand still .. solitude is my comfort social media and the news get to me the world is insane and I can’t believe what is going on what happened reality sets in only thing that’s holding me by a thread is my baby then the thought why would I have a baby in this ugly world this year was the first year I didn’t want to be bothered on my bday as family called they heard it in my voice but no one care enough to see right through it only time the reach out is on my bday I have no friends no one to even consider a friend anymore a baby makes people leave who would date me with a baby how do I date when my baby is with me 24/7 who would be interested in me I have nothing going for my self I’m a failure no one want a girl with nothing going for herself and a baby how do I overcome this who is there for me I don’t want to seem weak everyone in my family doesn’t realize I’m seriously depressed and being in public gives me anxiety my stomach start bubbling is this Ibs what going on with me I’m not myself lately I’m suppose to be a strong mother not a failure