
My best friend gets pregnant her first try, every try. I’ve been TTC for my second for two years and I feel like she is just so insensitive about it. She is pregnant right now (which I’m so happy for her,) but I swear she throws it in my face. Constantly sending me pics of her new crib, her new baby clothes, etc. She even started a group chat with our other friend and asked if she’ll do the same age gap with her next kids as she did with her first two! I’m like why am I even in this chat? Some of us don’t get to choose our age gaps between our kids. 😒 UGH. I’m in the middle of <a href="">IVF</a> now and I’m just so emotional...I find out if it takes on sep 3rd and she wants me to throw her a baby shower on the 19th. If my <a href="">IVF</a> fails, I don’t know if I can do it....would you say anything to her? Do I tell her I’m worried about having to throw a shower? Do I mention she is being insensitive? Last Christmas she was really insensitive towards me with some comments..and I finally had to say something and she didn’t take it well. So I don’t know if it’s even worth it..thanks for listening, I feel better now haha.