Okay, who was wrong ?

So my cousin had a baby in April, shes now three months old. She went back to work a couple weeks ago, and I told her that if she ever needed help with babysitting to let me know since currently my job still hasnt resumed due to Covid so Im free.

This was about three weeks ago and she never took me up on the offer until yesterday night. She messaged me asking If i could watch her baby the next day (today) as her mom no longer could. I messaged her back saying that was fine, I was just planning to take my mom to her physical therapist appointment at 11 am so if she could be sure to bring her carseat with her when she dropped her off. I didnt say I couldn’t watch her, or that I was busy. I literally just said i needed to drop off my mom and pick her up. She messaged me back saying never mind she would figure something else out. I asked if she was sure and she said yeah.

Well about 15 minutes ago she posts on Instagram saying that one thing she cannot stand is when people offer help but never follow through.

She wrote and i quote: “If you say ‘yes i can watch them any day any time bc Im home all day since Im not working right now’ then I expect that to still be your answer when I ask you to watch her. Today Im supposed to cover someone at work and the so called babysitter said she could watch her but she’s taking her out to an appointment... like wtf! How are you going to take my three month old baby out with this virus going on when she’s not your baby?! So fucking annoying. I really hate people, sad that I cant rely on my own family to help me.”

I was shocked. I didnt even know how to react. For one, Im not the babysitter, it’s not my responsibility to watch her baby but yes I offered to help out of kindness and not once did i back out. I just said I had to drive my mom to an appointment and pick her up. Thats it. I wasnt taking her out into the world. She wouldve been in the car in her carseat on the way there and back. Thats it. It’s only about a 15 minute drive. She’s the one that told me no. And then she goes on social media complaining about it instead of telling me how she’s feeling?

Was I in the wrong for what I said about taking my mom to an appointment or is she overreacting?

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