How long was did you ladies stim?


So I have been a bundle of a mess this last week waiting to find out how many follicles and when I'm going to trigger.

Friday 7/10/20 I had 15 follicles. Okay sizes and the nurse said that going the weekend on meds and come back Monday. Possible trigger day!

Monday 7/13/20 I only have 12 follicles. Okay 3 disappeared? They didnt seem to grow much either but the nurse said that she wanted to push till Wednesday and see what I have then.

Wednesday 7/15/20 follicle count is still 12 however, still not to mature sizes. The nurse said I'm just not responding to the meds they way they thought.

So at that point my husband and I started weighing our options. Do we covert our <a href="">ivf</a> cycle to a timed intercourse since i could end up with only 1 mature follicle.....or do a couple more days on meds?

Well we opted for 2 more days on meds. I have now been stimming since July 5th and feel like my ovaries are going to explode. I have another scan today to see where we are at and make a decision. Dont think I can go any longer on meds.

Did any of you ladies convert your cycle because you weren't producing mature eggs?

How long did you ladies stim?

How many eggs did you get?