TMI Bleeding clots for weeks now :(


Sorry for the graphic picture, I thought it may help to distinguish between normal/abnormal clots.

Some context: I did not have a period over March and April, (March was bare minimum flow) - then May 14 I start with what is till date the longest moodiest period. A little spotting some days, heavy motherfucking waterfalls the next few, cramps (right lower abdomen) and then no cramps. So from May 14-June end this was on n off.. it finally went away (phew!) And ten days later it returns 😒 (At this point it just sounds like a bad ex)

No cramps or other pms and infact, very little actual bleeding and more of large clots plopping down now and then. Some hours are dry arid weather, the next are wet n stormy AF. I managed this one picture one time.

I'm not on BC of any sort, sexually inactive, 28 yo and never had kids.