
Haylee • 19

In school I was never over 115lbs. I ran and worked out almost everyday. I never could gain weight or eat enough. I got injured my junior year so I had to stop running and working out. The doctors said if I keep going I won’t be able to walk well by the time I’m 30. So I stopped for good. Now I’m 127lbs and I feel like I have gained so much. I realize I’m still skinny in other peoples eyes but in mine I’m getting fatter. I have a stomach now and my thighs are getting bigger. When I sit I have rolls and I hate it. I started to cry last night and my fiancé said “you are beautiful” I cried more and said no. He said “now stop I have the privilege of calling you beautiful everyday because are you the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on”. I hate feeling like this. I have thought of not eating for a few days just to lose a few pounds but I can’t with my medication or I’ll have panic attacks from the shaking and racing heart rate. I can’t run anymore because of my doctors or do really any intense workouts like I used to do. Is this normal? Do others feel this way?