Advice -


Hi there,

First of all thanks to any of you out there that could offer some suggestions or advice.

I had a miscarriage over a year and a half ago which was conceived without tracking or planning. I wasn’t on the pill due to hormonal imbalances and were being careful but if it happened ok. It happened the first time he tried and Sadly that pregnancy ended up in a MC.

I wish to god I could go back and it was that easy. Since my mc I have suffered with depression, anxiety and the linking to above a family. My partner opened up to trying but he has a 6 year old with ex and relationship not great with ex partner. Even with court orders etc she can change plans last min and she has recently went on to have another child she didn’t try for and was waiting to get op to get tubes removed and they told her she was 11 weeks pregnant. That’s been lovely to deal with 🤯 anyway throughout our relationship my partner has suffered depression himself and difficulties in his childhood he’s been to therapy many times but it doesn’t seem to help. I would say he has a problem with intimacy in general. He has been supportive throughout miscarriage and wants to give me a baby but I’ve really been tracking like mad and that put him off and try not to tell him when I’m ovulating etc but anyway he really struggles to ejaculate inside me. He obviously has in the past although it has been a issue at time buts past few months been trying an agreement home Insemination. That’s not been working 🙈 anyway today’s ovulation day and he’s only been able to do it. I’m devastated I can’t stop crying and don’t see a way forward for us if he can’t come inside me. I feel it’s never going to happen. Any suggestions or tips would help massively. Desperate rainbow baby mum and waiting and so worry this is going to end our relationship aswell. I just wish I could live in the brain of another lady on Ttc for a day ok sure you all feel me! 💖 🙏 🌈