Am I having a miscarriage or not 😩


So the top photo I took on Monday with fmu, then on Wednesday I started bleeding which I thought was another miscarriage (I’ve 2 already this year) I went to the hospital and the tests still said positive and my cervix was closed so they didn’t know what was going on.. they did my bloods and then I had more bloods drawn today, I’ll either find out tonight or Monday if my hcg has risen or not, I’m still bleeding today, it’s not been too heavy and no big clots but it’s been like a standard period. I had slight cramps on the Wednesday but non since and I still ‘feel’ pregnant. I just did another frer now (bottom pic) obviously not fmu and drank lots today.. with my last 2 miscarriages I got negative tests on the second day of bleeding with both and I was further along. Has this happened to anyone else and found out the bleeding was something else?