Time away from baby and breastfeeding


Hi parents,

I exclusively breast feed my almost 10 month old. I used to give LO a bottle of expressed milk so that I could occasionally go out and someone else could feed her. However during the Covid-19 lockdown in my country I stopped bothering to express as we weren't going anywhere anyway. Now I would like to get back out (the virus is well contained where I live) but I don't want to go back to pumping as I find it super hard work...

so my question is.... Can I just give my baby the odd bottle of formula for when she stays with a babysitter or would I have to give her a bottle of formula every day for that to work?

Sorry if this is a silly question, I'm a first time mum and genuinely not sure what the best thing to do is. I only want to breastfeed when I'm around, but I would love to have the freedom to spend a few hours away from her.