I’m terrified 😓

Hi everyone ... so I’m 35 weeks pregnant with my second child ... with my first child I was induced at 38+4 due to high bp but my body dilated to fast and my daughter was in distress my contraction where back to back and her heartbeat kept dropping ... my whole labour with her was 30 minutes I got to 8.5 cm and had to have an emergency section ... I really feel like I missed out! No hearing her first cry or first feed skin to skin etc ! I just had personally an awful experience! this time I choose a section ... I was traumatised with my daughters birth the thought of vbac give me terrible anxiety ... so that was ok I’d made my decision! I was in with my “new” consultant I’d met for the forst time on Tuesday and we scheduled a date and its 39+1 and I’m absolutely terrified of going into labor early ... I don’t even no how long I would have carried my daughter for because I was induced at 38 weeks ... but I keep having panic attacks ! I can’t even sit in company because I can’t listen or function I’m that busy worrying about going into labour ... I’m unsure of what to do ! Do I mention this to my doctor or will it not change anything 😓 I feel like I’m at a loose end and can’t help but think it’s gonna be a long worrying 4 weeks to my c section ! How did your second labour go? Or if you where elective section how many weeks gestation where you took in ? Thanks