I wasn't ready


My oldest daughter just turned 11 a little over a month ago now. She is in the bathroom tonight and starts screaming mommy come here I need you and is crying hers out out. I run to the bathroom in a full blown panic not knowing what's going on. I ask her what's wrong is she okay. She looks at me with huge tears in her eyes and says I think I just started my period! I tell her to take a deep breath and relax everything will be okay. Put her in a warm shower and got her all set up for when she got out. I have had the talk with her warned her of the symptoms that come with it we had everything ready just in case. I looked at her panties and sure enough she started!. So we're sitting here eating chocolate and watching her favorite movie and she has taken a Tylenol for the pain. I wasn't ready for her to become a young woman yet! :( sorry needed somewhere to vent I guess!