Pap smear with a lot of pain?


I’m 20 years old, I’ve been in a lot of pain as well as finding out I have ovarian cysts. I’ve had off and on spotting since April and my doctor decided that they were going to go ahead and do the Pap smear just to clear out other suspicions and maybe try to get it figured out since whatever’s going on is making me really sick and I’ve missed a ton of work because of it. My question is, has anybody else had severe pain after a Pap smear? I had it done at 10 am and it’s now midnight and I’m still in a lot of pain. My period was late before today but since then I’ve been spotting really dark blood that I’ve never seen before. It’s not brown like the beginning of my periods normally are. It might be something totally normal but with never seeing anything like this before i just don’t know.