Do you think it would be safe to bring my almost 2 year old to the store?

I haven’t brought him out AT ALL since this whole thing happened. I need to go to a used clothing store today to buy something to wear for photos tomorrow. I will keep him in the stroller so he can’t touch anything.

The store says everyone needs to wear face masks to enter (obviously I won’t be putting one on him though). I will sanitize my hands before I touch him and then when I get home I will wash my hands. Should I wash his as well when I get home?

I’m just really really nervous because like I said I haven’t brought his out. I, myself, haven’t been in much places either. I could leave him and my husband in the car today and run in myself, but I would rather the company...thoughts? Should I just leave them in the car or bring them with me inside? I plan to be quick, I’m looking for something specific so I shouldn’t be too long. Where we live there aren’t many cases. But there has be a couple store employees that I heard had it... so idk?

Also thought I’d ask...should I bother going into a used clothing store? I mean I would wash everything as soon as I get home: but is it risky? Should I just go to a mall?