Toddler bed?


FTM here wondering if it’s time to make the transition from crib to big boy bed!

My son is 14 months old, but he looks way bigger. He is LONG. He had been sleeping through the night since he was 5 months old, even through teething and what were supposed to be sleep regressions. A few months ago he stopped sleeping through the night. Sometimes he tries to climb the bars of the crib to get out. He DOES know how to get off of furniture. He’s a little monkey and I’m worried he’s going to get over the bars of the crib before I can get to him and fall out.

My mom told me these are all signs that it may be time to get him a toddler bed, but I just don’t know. He would have free range of his bedroom if he wakes up? I have a baby monitor, but it’s not a video monitor. His room stays clean, furniture is anchored and outlets are covered, but the thought of him being able to get out of bed on his own makes me a bit nervous. I would really appreciate some input.