I’m 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant and feel like I can’t stomach anything healthy (I am usually the healthiest eater) and barely eat carbs. I have only been wanting chips pretzels, pizza and quesadilla. I literally get so sick from thinking, smelling or looking at anything besides carbs. I feel like I’m gaining weight rapidly and feel awful. I wish I could eat normally but I literally am SO nauseas. I am trying B6 vitamins and cut out caffeine because the doctor said it should help. I am feeling really crappy about my body and don’t even have as much energy to work out. I guess I am just venting. I want a healthy baby and know the nausea is a good sign so I have to just focus on the baby’s growth/health. I am just having a hard time because I don’t want to gain a ton of weight and struggle with my body image. Hope someone can give me some words of encouragement/support :(