What do we think ladies....edit

My husband has two cell phones. His personal phone and a work phone that he has for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off (his biz partner has it the other times). Today we’re sitting outside and he goes “baby! What the hell is this?” Starts laughing and hands me his work phone, their is a text from an out of state area code (Wisconsin and we live in TN) and a picture of a sexy girl in a bra with huge tits and says “Hello dear.” He texted back and said “wrong number” and she says “how are you?” !!!!! Is this some weird new age spam or am I right to be suspicious? My man has never cheated and absolutely hates cheaters. He has never so much as looked at another girl in front of me and has 0 girl friends. I don’t even think he looks at porn as we have sex so often I cant imagine him having the time or needing to but maybe? We have an amazing relationship so I wanna believe him when he says he has no clue but is this weird????? Does sex phone spam exist?!

***thank you ladies! I honestly was unaware spam like this existed because i have never received anything like this. He did show me immediately and has never given me a reason not to trust him. I have the passwords to all of his phones, emails, etc. he has mine too. It’s just how we have always been. However, I may text the number myself later just to be sure.😎