Would you be upset or is it just me? 😕


This is gonna be kinda a long story. So my bf and I work together and today we were sitting together waiting to go clock in. I see he has a big bag of food in his car and I was like what’s this for(it was from where we work)? He tells me it’s for this girl we’ll call Haylie. He was trading it for some weed (yes he smokes and I used to but quit since I got pregnant). Well she used to be my best friend but she ended up being EXTREMELY toxic and did a lot of horrible shit to me. So I get really bad anxiety when she’s around so I hid in the back of our store until she was gone. He comes back in talking about how she’s gonna give us baby clothes and stuff. And I know this is ridiculous but it really upset me cause of all the shit she’s put me through (including trying to get me put in jail which is a very long story and for something I didn’t do). So I told him I would rather not take anything from her cause honestly I really just don’t want anything to do with her. Our coworker asked me why I was so over dramatic and didn’t just be friends with her again. So I started telling him some of the things she’s done to me. I was getting emotional cause it’s some rough stuff and my bf comes up to me and just said “are you done? Just shut up”. So I did just that. I just shut up and went about my business. But it hurts me that he knows all this stuff she did to me yet doesn’t care and still tries to get me to be friends with her again. They also used to have a thing, idk how far they went but when we were friends she would always rub in my face how he would message her kissy faces and booty and eggplant emojis. And how he would apparently always tell her how hot she was. While I had a crush on him for years and he never reciprocated anything at that time. But anyways am I being stupid about this and should I just forgive her? My heart just hurts. I’m not going to control who he’s friends with but right now I just want nothing to do with her.