Got My BFP Yesterday! ❤️

🌹Chastity • Marine Wife 👰🏻🇺🇸 • Mother of 2 🧒🏽👶🏻• Lover for EDM 🌸#plur ✨

On my last cycle I tracked my ovulation with test strips very often as well as the pregnancy tests. I kept seeing Negatives leading up to a period which was pretty disappointing. I told myself next cycle I won’t track anything and go crazy with the testing. And so I didn’t! We done it every other day, and I kept myself busy from even thinking about testing too early. Yesterday I was suppose to get my period and, I decided to take a test with first morning urine. I honestly wasn’t expecting this.. and when I got my positive, I went ahead and got a first response test. I’m so excited, baby number 3❤️ This will be my last pregnancy that I want so I will cherish every single bit of it ✊🏼❤️