Anyone been through this?

A • 👱🏼‍♀️👨🏻‍🚒 👶🏼 🇺🇸

This is a strange situation so bare with me 😂

Last cycle was really strange for me. We’ve only been trying for a few months now. But last cycle I had three separate LH surges, the last one being the highest and obviously most likely true ovulation (I have not started temping yet.) but I did have fertile CM and even some spotting with this last surge. Issue is, it was pretty late in my cycle and my period still came when it originally was scheduled to, making my luteal phase like 8 days long. It had previously been approximately 12 days.

This cycle it seems to be happening again. Admittedly I didn’t track with opks as well as I typically do. Trying to be more stress free about it 🙄 but I had all signs for ovulation last weekend. I’m now getting increasingly darker opks and I’m worried I will have a late ovulation again.

My question is, has anyone had this happen? And if so, is it possible I’m not ovulating at all? I can’t imagine my luteal phase would be that short, so my fear is that my period is starting as scheduled because ovulation wasn’t successful?

Any tips would be appreciated!

ETA I do realize I just need to start temping, and that would solve a lot of my problems 😫 just wondering if anyone has experience with short luteal phase and if that points to anovulation.