Crying in Pregnany


Is anyone else crying, like daily? I’m not sure if it’s just me, and maybe I’m struggling more than I should be. I just will feel sad, and start to cry. Usually once a day, in the evening, and then I feel better. Is this just the hormones?

I do have a lot of guilt right now. I’ve been so unwell, and I really hate being pregnant (I want the baby, it was planned). I also have an almost 5 year old, and I feel like he’s being neglected since I’m not well. It’s hard to do much more than lay around. I feel guilty about hating pregnancy too, I know so many women would be happy to take my sickness, if it meant they could be pregnant. It actually took 18 months to conceive again, so I get how awful it is when everyone else seems to be pregnant.

Is anyone else in this boat?