BF finally got a car & is now going out all the fucking time

And stayed at his best friend’s house THREE TIMES in a fucking week.

I had to tell him it needs to stop because that is NOT social distancing.

Ugh. What the fuck.

Like why would I need to bring that to your attention? You’re not dumb...?

I live with someone on immunosuppressive meds. He gets whole ass infusions. He would not survive.

So my bf’s options are to social distance and wear masks or not fuck me or hang out with me so that I don’t kill one of the family members I have left.

He agreed and said he would correct his behavior. That was around noon, and he is still fucking there. It’s eleven at night.

I suppose he isn’t around anyone he wasn’t around all day anyway but I’m upset and I’m trying to walk a line between being responsible and being proactive about the health of my household and being controlling.

I just needed to vent because it’s handled, he’s just being a son of a bitch, probably justifying this bullshit... fuckingsonofabitch.

Note: If you think this virus is nbd then don’t comment. Fuck right off because I am neither willfully ignorant or a sociopath like you and I actually give a fuck about the health of the world and the health of my family, thank you VERY fucking much, you non-mask-wearing pieces of dog shit.

And no we don’t live together or he wouldn’t be staying anywhere but in my arms 😂. We are unmarried so I never let him stay here.

😡 so pissed.