Thinking of Granny

Does anyone ever stay up and think of their mom/grandma and miss them?

I used to live with my grandma all my life, until I got into a relationship. It’s been 2 years since I’ve been on my own with my partner but some nights I just think of how much I miss my grandma, and how she’s getting older and I cry to myself.

This pandemic has made things so hard. I rarely go and visit, unless it’s to pick up mail and I can’t even hug her because I don’t want to risk anything 😢 she is my world and I would be lost without her.

Tonight is just one of those nights where I miss her dearly. Sometimes I feel guilty for not living with her and taking care of her. She and my mom live together, but my mom can barely take care of herself...

Sometimes I wonder if I should move back to be with her, or if I should just live my life the way I am. I just really think the pandemic made it worse when it comes to seeing each other.

Anyway, sorry this isn’t a sexual, or bad break up story. I just really needed to vent. Thank you if you read this far.
