Heartbeat monitor surprise


I'm looking for your opinions...

I'm in the UK, I'm 11 weeks + 1 and my partner can't attend my first ultrasound appointment with me because of corona. I am very disappointed and he is too. I feel really bad for him that he won't get to see our baby and hear the heartbeat.

I am thinking of surprising him ny getting a baby heartbeat monitor, testing it first without him there to check i can hear it, and then letting him hear for the first time!!

I am very excited by the idea... However i don't know if it is advisable. There seems to be a lot of mixed messages out there about them, but none of the warnings appear to be serious, more just about being careful not to panic if you can't find a heartbeat, and not only relying on that, still go to the doctors, etc.

What do you lot think? Have you tried one before? I am dying to get one, but don't want to be at all risky!


I've booked a private scan for the day before my NHS one! He was surprised anyway, he had definitely resigned himself to not going and he's now adjusting to the idea. I think he's very excited that we get to see the baby together 🤗 it's such a big moment, i am chuffed he's going to be there ☺️☺️ Thank you to Laura, a commenter on this post, for the suggestion x