stress during first trimester

Kasandra • CAT MOM OF 3 BOYS 🐱 Mrs. Reynolds 👰🏼💕 10-12-19

is anyone else super stressed out or overwhelmed in there first trimester? im only 7 weeks today and ever since i found out i was pregnant i've been so stressed more then i normally am. i have a very high stress job i deal with kids all day. my family is extremely stressful and pressureing certian things like gender reveal and baby shower and everything and it's completely overwhelming me. me and my husband want find out the gender together just me and him and celebrate in our own way... without this big huge thing.. not sure how to polity go about saying we don't wanna do a gender reveal????? and if it is a girl go about saying we don't wanna have a baby shower.. ? since i have 2 best friends that have girls so we will need nothing becides diapers and wipes.... we both are praying for a boy 💙