Gender scan in two day! Read description and guess!

Kayla • Happily married to my high school sweetheart 💕 Mama to a sweet boy. ❤️ TTC 🌈 #2 Elementary school teacher to be

Hey ladies! I know old wives tales are not reliable and are only for fun! But I thought it would be fun to guess the gender of baby #2 based on symptoms/other factors.

1. HR is consistently over 160

2. I’m sick all the time. I was diagnosed with HG and feel like crap all the time.

3. Ring test said girl

4. Chinese calendar said girl

5. I’m craving fruit and spicy food

6. I’m breaking out like crazy and my hair feels like dry grass

7. I also included our last ultrasound from 8 weeks!

I’ll come back on Wednesday afternoon and update!

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