Really need advice here!!


Soooo according to my last period, which is usually always 28-30 days long but never over that, (so I’m going off of 28 day cycle) I’m 8 weeks today. EDD March 1st.

However my HCG At 5 weeks was 225. So my doctors called me saying I was only 4 week at that time. (Which is kind of confusing due to the fact that hcg is a range)

But they won’t bring me in for a scan until next month.

Well, I ordered my sneak peak gender test before I found out they would take this long to due my dating scan. If I’m going off my LMP I could take the test today, but If I go off their timeline I would have to wait until next week but I really don’t want to wait another week.

What would you ladies do??