Testing for hcg in breastmilk

Jennifer • Boy mama to two boys, 6 and 3 💙💙

So I don’t need any hate, I know how you’re supposed to use an hpt! Buuuuut 😂 I saw a post in a mommy group I’m in that you could possibly test early using breast milk and it would show sooner than urine!! Well curiosity got the best of me and I gave it a whirl yesterday at 10dpo.

So I thought no way it snows a second line... but it did and it was a strong second line . I even did a second test and diluted the milk by half with water and still got a second line with color.

Has anyone done this and actually had it be accurate?! So curious! I’ve heard it can be protein in the milk, but cows milk didn’t work and a lot of posts I read online said their milk didn’t give them any line whatsoever!