Please help me🥺 confused

Mirandia • Mirandia

So today I went in for my first prenatal visit. She scheduled me for a dating scan as I wasn’t sure when my last period was. I layed down to have my ultrasound (Transvaginal) and she says oh you are really early. I was not concerned because according to the day I thought I had a period but was only for one day that would make me 5 weeks and 3 days. She measured the gestational sac and told me that I was measuring at 5 weeks 4 days. She told me that nothing was in that gestational sac that she could see just the sac. And reassured me that that was completely normal at 5 weeks. She then began to look at my overies and told me I had a good cyst on my right ovary that was perfectly fine. Then she began to look at the left and got quite I could see there was a couple cyst on my left and she never said anything else. I then waited and the doctor came in and told me that she wanted to rule out an ectopic pregnancy I was confused because there was a perfect size gestational sac in my uterus and the woman that took my ultrasound told me nothing looked out of the normal except I had some cyst. The doctor immediately started explains that I need to get my blood drawn right away and sends me to the lab to get test taken I got my blood drawn and was told to return in 48 hours and she also scheduled another ultrasound for next week. I left feeling very upset and more scared then when I had got there. I have no pain or bleeding so I’m very confused why they are thinking ectopic so soon. Anyone have any similar situations.