Minimal Stimulation IVF 🤔

Hi everyone!

I am currently starting this process of minimal stimulation <a href="">IVF</a>. We bypassed using birth control since I’m on cycle day 4 and super regular on my periods like clockwork. I started Clomiphene today and I just wanted to see if there were any success stories from anyone that’s tried this.

I guess I should preface this by saying that I’ve had 3 pregnancies. My first ended in miscarriage but I have 2 teenagers now who are the absolute best. I got pregnant with both of my children while on birth control-one I was on the pill then after I had my baby I told the doctor I didn’t want to get pregnant and was scared of the implant so I got on the shot and did that for a whole year. When it came time for my next shot I asked the doctor to give me the pill because as everyone now knows the shot has horrible side effects. He gave it to me and I took it faithfully for a whole month when I found out I was pregnant 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anywho this whole side story is the reason I felt at 23 years old I should get my tubes tied. Big mistake. One failed tubal reversal later here we are. I’m hoping this will work. Just want to see if anyone else has gone thru this and was successful.