Possible 3rd Pregnancy?

Hi! I need some advice or feedback.

I just turned 21 2 weeks ago and now I'm still worried that I may be pregnant it started when I was taking slynd contraceptive around when I stopped was in the beginning of middle of May because the last I saw blood was thr 27th and then after 2 days it was spotting and it disappeared my sister always gets her period before i do it's been like that for years and my mum and I ALWAYS get our period around the same time either I'm 1 day early than her or 1 day late weird right? I know.. The reason I stopped was because I have surgery in August on the 3rd dental surgery and my infection is really bad so I have to take antibiotics and the surgeon and the pharmacist said if I take these antibiotics the risk of the contraceptive working drops a lot and i could end up pregnant again so they advised me to either still take it even with risk or stop it for awhile and I decided to stop it for awhile during that time i had unprotected sex twice other than that it was condoms so I haven't seen any blood since and now we're about to head into August soon my discharge has been more and it doesn't smell. My nipples have been really sore and I've been more tired. Reason I doubt that I may not be pregnant is because maybe it's probably just hormones and my body thinks I'm pregnant or something like that and because in my last pregnancy I was spotting and I had to get a shot. Reason I think I am pregnant is because I'm cramping to the point it's noticeable at times, im nauseous, more gassy, I started having acid reflux again, more tired, even during sex now upon deep penetration it hurts on my right side i only threw up twice and back pain. I've taken 4 at home pregnancy test and they all had a very faint line i even went to urgent care to take a urine test and it came back inconclusive and the nurse told me that I would have to go to family planning to get a more accurate reading so i messaged my doctor on mychart app and i even called my doctor no response up until today telling me that I may be pregnant. I'm worried especially if I am pregnant im still taking my antibiotics to slow that my infection in my teeth not knowing if it's good or bad for the possible baby. I'd like some feedback if that's ok with you guys? Please.

Thank you