Please help!!! Anyone?

Omg anyone have any advice, I’m going crazy over here

The meds That I was on:

Metformin 500mg



Hcg trigger last night



Egg retrieval went well. I was nervous but everything was fine besides the hot flashes I got from the trigger shot 2 days prior and frequent urination.

After egg retrieval (17eggs) I woke up in so much pain. The anesthesiologist gave me 50cc of pain meds then another 50cc like a half an hour later. The nurse told me to urinate before I left. I did and I filled the toilet with blood and urine. It burned so bad but I was assuming it was from the procedure. Now fast forward 6 days. I’m urinating every 15/20 mins. It burns so bad I’m putting ice packs down there and laying in front of a fan. As soon as the doctors opened Monday morning I called and told them. They said oh no that’s not us, we didn’t do any of that to you. We can’t help you, call your primary. I was like okay... I was fine before I went into the procedure. Whatever, call my primary who said it sounds like a UTI (telemed visit) sent pills over ASAP. I took 2 and felt a lot better. A few hours into work I was shaking, sweating uncontrollably and felt like I was going to puke and pass out. Left work early. Came home, showered and laid down. Once again absolutely no sleep because I’m up every 15/20 mins to urinate. My temp is only 96 so no fever but I feel like I’m burning up. I laid in front of the AC with a ice pack and tried for hours to sleep. Finally I took a pain pill they gave my after egg retrieval and was able to sleep maybe an hour. Of course waking up feeling like my bladder is going to burst. I’m still extremely swollen. Like so uncomfortable 😔 any input? Anyone go through any of this? Please please please, any advice helps