Pet loss


Im needing some advice on helping my 4 year old deal with the loss of her guinea pig, Honey. Today started out normal. She was watching tv holding Honey when she got up to get the remote. Honey ran up on her shoulder as she usually does but with 1 hand on the remote she wasnt able to hold her the way she usually does and Honey fell off her shoulder and hit the floor hard on our already hard floor. With Honey being a baby I knew we needed to get to the vet I called my hubby and he was over 45mins away. I knew he wasnt going to get back in time but he still tried. The guinea pig already wasnt doing good and I knew she wasnt going to make it. So I had to break it to my daughter. She understood and she sat with her and loved and talked to Honey with tears in her eyes. She was gone within 20mins. I let my daughter know and she hung her head and put her in a shoe box to burry her later when hubby gets home. She was holding back tears and I told her it was ok to cry and feel sad. This is when she broke. She screamed and said "im not sad!! MY HEART FEELS LIKE ITS BROKEN!!!" And she cried harder than ive ever seen her cry before. She feels like its her fault cause she wasnt holding her right. And no matter what I say, I cant change her mind. She doesnt want anything to do with anyone right now and my heart is breaking for her right now. To make matters worse, the new, bigger cage we ordered since she had 2 piggies, will be here tmr and I feel like thats going to be a huge slap in the face to her. Anyone have any advice on how to help her thru this? Should I just hide the cage when it shows tmr until shes not feeling so down? I hate seeing her like this 😞