Possibly talking about open relationship with my bf

So my bf and I have been together for a while now and oh my goodness do I love this man no doubts about that 😂

To get straight to the point I wish I had been able to sleep around more and experiment when I was single. I would never ever EVER cheat (I was cheated on before and know how it feels) so I’ve thought about discussing an open relationship with my man. I learned about open relationships through the internet but just learned one of my guy friends is open with his wife (they’re also poly) I am NOT attracted to this guy at all, I just talked about it with him and he said it works out with him and his wife to be open. He said something like he doesn’t have to be everything for her like this all perfect human being and I get that.

We have a routine that works with both of us but I want more. We’ve talked about sex and he’s very open to trying new things except bdsm and anal. My bf is very gentle with me even when I tell him it’s okay to be rougher, he’s told me he’s scared of hurting me (he’s not large or anything tbh, kinda a beanpole lol) he also doesn’t enjoy being teased much, just wants to get straight to the sex so there’s not a lot of making out, cuddling, feeling each other up, etc. He loves cuddling afterwards though! He holds me close and always tells me how much he loves me.

Something else I miss is the excitement of meeting someone new, the flirting period, sex for the first time, all the new giddy feelings. My bf is not the best at flirting but he tries. We don’t plan dates anymore except for the occasional dinner date. I love when we cook together though but I’m not sure I’d consider it a date lol. When we hang out he likes to watch tv most of the time. He says he’s tired a lot or it’s too hot to go outside so we end up staying indoors. I don’t want to make my bf suffer just so I’m happy so we try to find a movie or show we both want to watch and then hang out. He always picks the best movies and I always get enamored with the show/movie he puts on.

So yea idk if any of that helps? But if anyone has any advice for me please feel free to share. Idk how I’d even bring it up to him tbh!