I need prayers and some babydust!

Cas • Heartbroken after loosing my baby boy at 23,5 weeks... Forever in my heart 👼🏼💙🌈

Hi ladies

I am 37 years old, been pregnant 6 times, had 5 miscarriages and had to terminate a pregnancy 3 years ago at 23 weeks (this Saturday) because our baby boy was to sick😢👼🏼💙

I have always wanted to be a mom and my boyfriend with whom I have been together with for 16,5 years is a great uncle and I know he would be a great dad! All his siblings have kids and I know he wants to have a baby so much, but he doesn’t want to pressure me!

We have been through so much😢😭! When we were together for 3 years I got very ill and he stood by me when I was at my worst!

We are going to try to have a baby again so I need all the babydust I can get!

Lots of love 💕