That time again...


Well, it’s that time of the month again. CD2 and going over everything in my head about what I need to do (order conceive plus etc) for starting the next attempt! Then I think, I’ve done temping, OPKs, logging CM, reading this, listening to that, obsessing over forums on here... and all I do is carry round an eternal feeling of sadness. All. The. Time. It’s all I think about! But I shouldn’t stress, right?! So this month (and I feel confident saying this right now 🤣) I’m chucking it all away and baby dancing every other day and THAT’S IT. No books, podcasts, kits, sticks, thermometers and charts. What harm can I do 😂 I also get so self conscious about posting on here so sometimes do it anonymous... but then want to reply to the kind ladies who offer advice, so seeing as I’m throwing caution to the wind this month I’m being me 😁 good luck to everyone else on this crazy journey (I’m upbeat and have some hope today, can you tell?!) ❤️