Am I in the wrong? (Be honest)

So I’m 23 and a mother to a 6 year old and a three year old. I have the 6 year old all the time and I do 50/50 with my 3 year olds father (divorcing my husband sadly) and I’m currently pregnant with my third baby and I’m 13 weeks along. The man I’m currently dating is the father of my new baby that I am pregnant with. We’ve been together 6 months now and while he’s never wanted to be a dad or ever wanted to have kids he is stepping up and being amazing with my kids and is ready to be a dad and support all my choices. Since I was 11 I was diagnosed bi-polar and BPD and my doctor now thinks I may be suffering from narcolepsy and working third shift and being pregnant isn’t helping any.

So the other day I was up at 5 am with my 3 year old and for the rest of the day I had a job interview, deep cleaned the house, took care of the 6 and 3 year old all day and by 7:30pm I was exhausted. My 6 year old is diagnosed ADHD and he is uncontrollable at times especially the weeks his brother is over. At 7:30pm the 6 Year old was in the toy room playing on his tablet and having a snack and I was laying on the couch with my sleeping boyfriend (he works thirds too) and laying down with the 3 year old to help him fall asleep. I guess I fell asleep for maybe 10-15 minutes and during that time my boyfriend woke up momentarily and saw I was passed out with the toddler and that the 6 year old was still up and unsupervised (being good in the other room) but fell back asleep. After the small nap I was right back up getting the oldest to bed and in his jammies and off to sleep and putting the toddler in his bed too.

When 10pm rolled around and my BF got up he kept being short and cross with me and I finally demanded he tell me what’s wrong and apparently he didn’t like that I had fallen asleep while the oldest one was awake still and that I wasn’t watching and taking care of him and while he didn’t say it, it felt like he was accusing me of being a bad mom and it really hurt me. He went into work and I stayed home since its my night off and I tried to text him and explain it was a long exhausting day and it was an accident I passed out and that I hope he would have a good day at work and that we can talk in the morning, but he still came home mad and saying that “even if it was an accident it’s still not okay” and that saying sorry about it doesn’t just make it go away and I’m mentally just exhausted and hurt overall.

It’s not the first time he’s been upset by my parenting choices and I’m tired of him getting upset and judging me when he never even wanted kids in the first place, but now he’s got all these opinions about how I parent and how I take care of and raise my kids and I can’t take it anymore. I got pregnant with my first kid at 16 and my whole life I’ve had people judging and hurting my feelings making me feel like a bad mom and im just kind of at my wits end with it. I know I fell asleep and that’s on me, but I feel like he’s being hurtful and not understanding what dealing with and going through. Am I the one in the wrong here?

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