Third attempt at starting FET cycle canceled, so frustrated!


I went in today for my baseline bloodwork and ultrasound, hoping to start an FET cycle. I have a cyst on my ovary and because it’s producing estrogen I have to wait. My first attempt was canceled because my lining never got thick enough. My second attempt never started because I produced several follicles and was about to ovulate on my own. Now this! My doctor says that thin lining can happen, cysts can happen, he acts as if this is all just part of the frustrating world that is <a href="">fertility treatment</a>. He keeps reassuring me that he just wants to make sure we have the very best environment for my embryos so I have the best chance at success.

Please tell me I’m not alone and that it is normal to take several tries to get things right! Anyone else out there have multiple FETs canceled, but eventually had one work?!