Relationship help

Hey ladies, so I’ve been dating this guy for almost a year now. And I really like him but he doesn’t give me the time of day and it has been weighing me down. I’ve taken him on tons of dates and have written him cards and given him appreciate gifts when he accomplishes something or on holidays. But he is not the same way with me. On Valentine’s Day he got beautiful things for his mom and sister and not for me and that made me really sad because I drove 4 hours just to see him on that day. He also told me that if I passed my permit test he would take me out to eat but when I passed it he never took me anywhere. He doesn’t invite me when he has friends over and he has never let me use his phone. Once I saw a conversation on his MacBook between him and another girl where they were talking about meeting up. After I confronted him about it he told me that I shouldn’t be going through his things. My friends have also told me that they’ve seen him around in parties doing things that people in relationships shouldn’t be doing. And he has a female best friend who he goes on dates with and definitely does not like me and never even tried to introduce herself to me but she knows that I’m his girlfriend yet she posts pictures of him every other day and tells him that she loves him.

I tried to be understanding with all of this for a year long but it’s not doing me any good. To the point where I’m getting acne, I feel ugly and a little stressed out. He goes everywhere and doesn’t include me or spend time with me and when I speak to him he tells me that he will change. I’m 20 years old and I don’t think anything has affected me as much as this. And I feel like if I stop all communication with him then I will be very lonely and have no one to talk to. Should I just block him from my life? Or breakup and be his friend?