Mini rant

Kelly • ♥️Ollie E♥️ May 27, 2019 💙 I’ll always love you and remember you baby boy. 👼♥️ Luna Love 💗 August 2, 2020

So, It’s 6:30am. I am currently 38wks+ 2days pregnant and I’m awake because of a mild panic attack.


Last year I was pregnant with our first, a baby boy. My pregnancy went by with no complications, aside from constant morning sickness I felt great. Well. At 39 weeks and 3 days. I noticed he wasn’t moving as much as normal. I just thought maybe it was because I was having mild contractions but ended up going to the hospital (10pm) to make sure everything was okay. It was not. He had no heartbeat. It broke my bf and I hearing the news. The next morning at 4am I started getting real contractions and headed to the hospital. I was admitted and at 12pm I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy sleeping :(.

Well. This morning I woke up to pee. As it is a usual thing at this time. 5:40am. I didn’t feel movement and started to have a mini panic attack. I laid there for a couple minutes pushing on my stomach, drinking water, laying on my back. At 6:10 baby started moving. Most stressful morning so now I’m awake and watching Netflix to calm down. Baby hasn’t stopped moving thankfully.

I have a membrane sweep scheduled for Tuesday and at first I was nervous about it wondering if it will work. Now I’m really hoping it does because I don’t know if I can do this anymore so close to the due date lol.