
Amanda • 1st pregnancy my precious baby boy passed at 20 weeks pregnant 👼🏼 due to Incompetent Cervix 2nd pregnancy: Pregnant w/ a baby girl my rainbow baby 🌈👶🏻 she is 15 months! Currently Pregnant Baby #3 : Due January

Hello, this will be my third pregnancy but my second preventative cerclage placed.


in March 2018 I lost my son at 20 weeks gastation due to IC. 3 months later I got pregnant again with my February 2019 baby. I got my first preventative Cerclage (McDonald) with her.

Now with this baby due January 2021 I go in next Monday the 27th & I honestly forgot how everything felt when I got it placed & I’m feeling really anxious. A new doctor will be putting this preventative cerclage in, but same method (McDonald) but my last doctor wanted me bed rest my whole pregnancy & this new doctor says I can continue my everyday full-time job.

Now I’m starting to feel not confident.