Another waste of time consultation


Went for a growth scan today (36+6).

Had one 7th July as baby was plotting on 90th centile.

Had another one 9 days later on the 16th, which the hospital should have flagged and cancel but they didn't - baby velocity dropped.

The consultant saw me and was going to arrange for another growth scan, I sat down in the waiting room, 20 mins went by then the receptionist came over saying I'll get a letter as they couldn't book anything at the time .... I then saw the consultant leave to go home (or on lunch). So that was a wasted visit.

I then went to my growth scan today, the sonographer was a bit worried due to the reduced growth velocity so was sent to another hospital as they had no drs available.

Get to the other hospital and waited 40 mins just to be asked several times if babies movements were okay (Yes they are!) And to be told that she could book me in for another scan, posed as a question. Sorry love your the Dr don't ask me. I was like well I am meant to be induced on the 8th. Dr then goes oh well okay then bye.

Waste of time 😡