VBAC or repeat c-section?


I had to have an emergency c-section when I gave birth to my daughter back in 2016, I was really upset because I always wanted that dream labor, with your water braking and being able to push. I was hoping that with this pregnancy I would be able to do a VBAC, the town I live in does not do VBAC so I went to an OBGYN in the next town so that way I could have one. I just found out today baby is a measuring big, 14 inch head and 9 lbs and I’m only 37 weeks (my daughter was 9lbs at birth, 39 weeks). It’s looking like it might be to dangerous to do a VBAC (the doctor said he’s both too big and I’m too small, I’m only 5 feet with a small frame), but I’m nervous to have a repeat c-section. I’ve never spent more then 12 hours away from my daughter and with all the restrictions I won’t see her for days :( I’m also nervous that somethings going to happen to me with a repeat c-section. Why can’t babies just appear? Why must we go through labor or surgery?