🍀My birth story 🍀

Trista • Mommy to a HANDSOME BABY BOY in heaven💙 Rainbow baby arrived in May 2021🌈 Think positive , live positively. 🌼

I was 34 weeks and 4 days.

I had decreased fetal movement and nothing was making my baby move. I called my OB and she said to head to labor and delivery.

I get around and head there and my honey and I discussed how we thought we were gonna just get sent home and us seem like worry bugs because I had been sent in for the same thing a couple times.

We show up and they decide to monitor his heart rate. They come in after a bit and say it’s not concerning but they just want to do an ultrasound just to be sure. The ultrasound tech comes in and does a 30 minute ultrasound. Asking how Long its been since he moved. I told her a little over 24 hrs. She just had a very concerned energy about what she was seeing.

As soon as the ultrasound tech left the room I look at my babe and say, “I don’t want a c section.” He responds, “you won’t, everything is fine”

Almost two minutes after the ultrasound tech left the doctor came in and said we need to prepare for a c section. That the baby and I were in danger and needed to move along quickly.

They gave me another ultrasound just to be sure and they then started having several nurses coming in having me sign this form and that form. This consent and that consent. They gave me IV after IV and steroids for baby and nasty stuff to drink. The whole time I’m in shock. Scared. Not knowing what was happening. Not knowing if my baby was okay.

A little time passed and my baby’s heart rate dropped and they said we had to rush to the OR for an emergency c section. I was extremely terrified because now I would be put to sleep and my babe wouldn’t be in there with me.

I make it to the OR and his heart rate came back up and they decided not to put me to sleep. So they allowed my partner to come in. And let me tell you I was freaking out the whole time. I was not handling anything well at all.

At 7:31 pm July 13th 2020 my baby boy was born without a heartbeat and not breathing.

They did compressions for ten minutes and finally got a heartbeat. He had lack of oxygen for days in my womb and had a leaking of his blood from the placenta and caused him to be severely anemic.

After he was born they rushed him out of the room and I hardly got to see him. I was scared because I heard no crying and I was listening to them counting the compressions. No one would answer my questions.

After I was all fixed up they moved me to a room for recovery for 2 hours.

My doctor came in saying it wasn’t looking good. He got a blood transfusion and they thought he wouldn’t make it through the night. He wasn’t moving , his eyes weren’t dilating, and he had no responses. But I was able to see him just for a bit before I had to go to my room to rest.

I get to his room in the NICU and he looked rough. He was hooked up to a ventilator and had wires everywhere. I was so scared and sad.

One of the next mornings I went down to see him and doctors allowed us to have immediate family come visit because he wasn’t supposed to make it anymore nights.

Our family came and it was sooo depressing. My heart was breaking. Everyone was crying and grieving. Things didn’t look good.

He has had tests and they have come back with some hard news.

He has severe brain damage from lack of oxygen and blood. He can’t hear. He couldn’t move. He can’t eat.

But he has beat the odds so far! He has made it 10 days!! He is having spontaneous movements and hopefully gonna start trying feedings again. The neurologist says baby brains can recover damage better than adult brains.

The father and I have decided not to give up. God is a miracle working God and we are praying so hard for him everyday. ❤️❤️❤️ God is working in him and it’s slow but a process soooo worth it.






This is of our son today. He is our lucky charm , our miracle baby. 🍀❤️❤️