My ex still has photos of me on his page

I have been with my current BF for over 2 years. We have been having trust issues from the beginning because for some reason, he seems to think my ex and I have something going on. I have never cheated on him, I have never hung out with my ex,no also have not talked to him since January which was only bc he was still on my Verizon phone line and I took him off because the phone was paid off. I didn't hide it or anything.

My bf on the other hand got caught last summer talking to a girl he lied about and puts on a pedestal. Told her about my miscarriages and went to see her. He said she wanted to be there for him bc his brother died. Not sure why I wasn't enough, but sure. WHATEVA. He also told his ex he would always love her and had been talking to her too for supposedly the same reason. He never addressed it and pretends it never happened.

Fast forward to now. I'm 6 months pregnant, high risk, in the hospital until I give birth and he is currently playing this game. It's a game to me bc if he doesn't get his way or I don't agree (tell him what he wants to hear), he says, I not going to come see u today. He went from staying with me daily a week ago to sporadically this week and he has MY CAR. He like to drink evenings and I feel like that is the real reason. I recently deleted my EX off Facebook bc I felt like it was time to sever that period. We don't even interact and I just wanted to. When I did this, all the pictures I had blocked came visible on his page. Idk why. . .and truthfully I didn't care. My bf called and asked why and I said idk. There's nothing I can do about it, they're his pictures, I can't control it. He started talking junk and I told him I was going back to sleep. This is the response I received from my bf. And yes, he stalks this man's page.

I can't help but think he is trying to find a reason to cheat or not feel as guilty about the cheating he has done

He is PINK