Faint Line & Spotting - Haven’t Gotten Postpartum Period


I’m 12 months postpartum and was breastfeeding until 3+ weeks ago. I hadn’t gotten my period back yet and we want to TTC, so I weaned hoping it would start again. Since I still don’t have a period, I haven’t been able to track ovulation.

Exactly 2 weeks ago, I had egg white mucus and a pinching pain on one side like I used to get when I ovulated. Yesterday, I had the faintest pink when I wiped so I thought my period was coming back. Just to check, I took THREE pregnancy tests today (FMU, SMU, and noon) and all came back with a faint line. (Note: never had evap lines with this test before)

Here’s the thing— I don’t know if they’re evaps or faint lines. I also got more pinkish light spotting this evening. Pregnant? Implantation bleeding? Or just a weird coincidence of evap lines and AF starting? Please help!!!