What do you think? I want to ask for an induction

Ana • Momma of the sweetest baby boy🌟

FTM here.

On Monday I will be 39+1 and I have my monthly appt with my OB ( yes monthly, we don't do weekly in my country).

I really want to ask for a membrane sweep and schedule an induction for right after my due date ( August 1st). I am a FTM, very short and very petite person, who has gained 16 kg ( 35 lb), I was about 48 kg (105 lb) prior pregnancy, and although all weight has gone to the belly and liquid in my legs, it is taking a toll on me. My spine hurts, because my body can't support an increase of over the 33% of my original body mass. My feet and legs also hurt and we have 36 C ( 97 F ) almost every day. They are incredibly itchy due to pressure ( I have already had lab work done to confirm it is not cholestasis).

I can't sleep, due to itchiness and belly pain. I am not talking about the menstrual cramps or back pain which I have as usual, I have true terrible pain in my abs and belly button. I feel my belly will split in half at any moment. I am scared of picking anyt from the floor as it hurts like hell, and any tiny thing I try to do requires a huge effort at this point. I just feel that if I don't start labor soon I won't have enough energy for it. I am more and more drained every day.