Worst date ever


I originally wasn’t interested but I was bored so I agreed to go on a date with a guy I meet on Tinder (let’s call him David) . David picks me up and his car smells of weed. I asked him if he smoked recently he said no but he was obviously lying. He then takes me to sonic and I order food but he doesn’t order so I’m sitting awkwardly in his car eating because I’m hungry af. He drives to a gas station and picks up a four loko. Wtf. David then tells me we’re going to his house after I persistently told him I don’t feel comfortable going there. He comes up with an excuse that he has to pee which he could have peed in the gas station. I told him I’ll wait in the car and after trying to convince me to go inside he finally gives up and goes to pee. After 5 minutes he comes back down with the four loko in a plastic cup. Fucking David plans to drink and drive. I don’t say nothing but I’m irritated at this point. He proceeds to light a cigarette and blow the smoke in my face. Now I’m furious I tell him to take me home and he doesn’t understand why I want to leave. I even offer to pay for the $7 sonic so it’s not a total loss to him which he accepts.🙃 to make things worse when he turns or hits a bump on the road water magically starts leaking onto the top of my feet so my toes were soaking wet. I don’t know what lesson God was trying to teach me but lesson learned!!!

Was I wrong for wanting to leave???